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Issue with using NAV radios

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 11:32 pm
by Flic1
Hi - I just purchased this product and have enabled it in the ? C-310 redux using P3Dv4. I am not able to use the NAV radios independently for some reason. If I switch the frequency, it changes both NAV 1 and NAV 2 and I cannot set a different NAV 2 frequency. The COM radios seem to work just fine. Is this an issue with the product or is something not correct with the implementation on the C-310? Thanks for any help!! Sorry, I did not see a way to create a new post in the 'Support' section.


Re: Issue with using NAV radios

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 11:52 pm
by Flic1
I was going to delete the post but figured I would post the solution in case anyone else has the same problem. Before I integrated the Navstax into the VC of the ? 310, I had messed around with the Navstax configurator. It appears I had the NAV 1 button checked off for each radio unit. It appears this carried over when I placed them in the VC. ONce I selected NAV 2 for the second radio all is well!!

Re: Issue with using NAV radios

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 10:28 am
by navstaxdev
please make correct setting in configurator.
NAV1 and NAV2 need to set to which radio would be use.